Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Great Idea for Croftina's History Class

Croftina! I have a great idea for your history class. First, you need to clear off a whole wall. Then, make 25 blank time lines that run from 1750 to the present. Give each of your students a time line and have them each pick some figure/data/trend and do research to track it through US history, plotting their results on the time line. You could track population, steel output, GDP, incidents of flu, size of the military, acres of conservation land, etc... - you get the idea, there must be many more. Then, line up all of the time lines on your wall. Now you have 25 data sets through history, correlated in time so you can how they interelate and how they are effected by major events. Your students could see how population shot up after WWII, or how conservation land was a big deal during Teddy Roosevelt's administration. Wouldn't that be sweet?

We could even take this idea and make it into a website. I envision the website containing one time line and a long list of things to plot one side. The user could click on a checkbox next to whatever item he/she wanted and it would be plotted. Click on another one and it would be plotted on the same axis. You could uncheck to get rid of plots. Of course, the plots would have to be normalized in some way b/c the y-axis for every item would be different.


  1. No Cesc no play, behb.

  2. that seems like a lot of work...even for croftina

  3. Coach: we need more productivity out of you. Two weeks in between posts?! I expect better from my Coach. Unless you're like Bob Huggins who graduates like 6% of his players. Or maybe Clem Haskins, who let some guy do his players' homework.
